Saturday, May 7, 2011

Reflecting on motherhood

I am mum to five clever, funny, enthusiastic, squabbling and normal children (with plenty of other adjectives possible on any given day!) Today, being Mothers' Day, I will take a moment to reflect in our busy lives about how blessed I am to have these five people in my life and that I have the responsibility to help them find their way in the world. Time is precious. Love you all x


  1. I hope you had a great mothers day :-)
    Sending lots of mummy hugs from Perth, Western Australia.

  2. Hi! Thanks for your comment on my blog. Love to be connecting with another mom halfway around the world (how cool is the internet, seriously?!) I love your artwork and your kids are adorable!! Basic info on my photography: a use a Canon 40D and a 50mm 1.8 lens (one of the cheapest out there) so nothing too too fancy there. I do use Photoshop on just about every photo to brighten and sharpen things up a bit. The biggest tip I'd give is to not use a flash whenever you can get away with it and get your subjects in good light--lots of natural light from a window or outdoors in open shade. Look for your reflection in their eyes to know that you're getting plenty of light there. Just my quick two cents!! :)
